
NEW!  The Second Edition of
Love in Abundance: A Counselor's Advice on Open Relationships

Just published by the Greenery Press Imprint of SCB Distributors! I wrote the first edition in 2008, and a lot has happened in the world of polyamory, consensual nonmonogamy, and open relationships since then, so this second edition is a much-needed update.
You can order it HERE  $25, includes shipping

Check out Kathy's latest interview
about her book Polyamorous Elders
on Leanne Million and Greg Million's podcast,
the Empowering Polyamory Podcast
For more info, click HERE

Kathy's new book, available now!
Polyamorous Elders:
Aging in Open Relationships
Order it from Bookshop.org
Click HERE for more info

New Book Reviews by Kathy Labriola:

Monogamy? In This Economy? Finances, Childrearing, and Other Practical Concerns of Polyamory by Laura Boyle Click HERE

Check out this new podcast!
Nope! We're Not Monogamous
Ellecia Paine interviews Kathy being on the Nope! We're Not Monogamous! podcast. The episode is about "Planning you Polyamorous Future" with a focus on how poly folks are aging in consensually non-monogamous relationships. Click HERE
Ellecia Paine's website https://www.elleciapaine.com/notmonogamous 

Read Kathy's essay on polyamorous elders on  Stella Fosse's blog Click HERE

My books Love in Abundance, The Jealousy Workbook and The Polyamory Breakup Book are available on audio book, narrated by Leanne Yau. 

Order Books Here:

The Polyamory Breakup Book


The Jealousy Workbook


Love In Abundance:

A Counselor's Advice On Open Relationships 

Kathy Labriola, Counselor/Nurse  

(510) 841-5307  

1307 University Avenue 

Berkeley, CA 94702

Provides low-fee, affordable counseling for:

* non-traditional and/or non-monogamous relationships

* sexual orientation issues for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people

* living well with HIV

*maximum health for people with disabilities and health   problems

Hypnotherapy for addressing addictions and  managing pain, chronic health conditions & stress

Sliding Scale Fees:

$45 to $90 Per Session